what would happen if we could talk to someone from past or future we see two girls in this story living 20 years apart and changing each others life completly
The present is 2019. In this moment, Novi a 28 years old, goes to visit her sick mom, and enters her childhood home, where nobody lives now. There is an old cordless phone at home, and soon Novi starts receiving calls from a scared little girl, Lea, that asks for help because her mom wants to kill her.
Soon the two discover that they are talking from different years. Leais also 18 years old, but she lives in 1999, 20 years earlier, in that same hose, before Novi’s parents bought it. They become friends soon, and they get so connected that they open up to each other: Lea lives in that house, in 1999, with her stepmom, who is a shaman and wants to exorcise her, believing that she’s possessed and she will kill lots of people in her future. Novi moved in that house when she was 8, right after her father died in a domestic accident.
One day Lea sees Novi’s family (her mother, her father and the little Novi) visiting the house. Through the cordless phone, she lets 2019 Novi listen to her young father home. And an idea comes to mind: she wants to do her best to prevent the accident to happen, and save Novi’s father life. This plan succeeds: , we see 2019 changing shape after what Lea did 20 years earlier. The home now is in good shape and occupied by Novi's family, with both parents alive. Lea managed to save Novi’s father life.
Novi returns the favour and, always through the phone, tells 1999’s Lea that her stepmom will kill her that night. That night Lea watches her mom stabbing her own figure under the blanket and as a reaction kills her stepmom. In that moment Lea comes to a new life.
But happiness doesn’t last long: the day after she kills the owner of the strawberry farm near to the house, because he saw the proof of the murder she committed. Novi now gets information about Lea: in 1999 she becomes a serial killer, but she will be caught and sentenced to life imprisonment. She accidentally reveals it to 1999 Lea, that now wants to know all detailed information about how she got caught. Novi realizes that she’s talking to a disturbed person and, scared, stops answering the phone. The two are now enemies.
1999’s Lea is now furious with 2019’s Novi because she doesn’t want to help her avoid being caught. She receives the visit of 1999’s Novi and Her father, who had an appointment with Lea’s stepmom for the home sale. Lea invites the two home and kills Novi’s father. We then watch again 2019’s reality falling apart, Novi’s father is turned into dust in front of her eyes. She runs home and sees a written line on the floor: “answer the phone”. She picks up the phone and 1999’s Lea gives her one hour to find out the proof the police found on her, while she holds young Novi trapped in that house.
Novi ws scared and her hands were trembling, 2019’s Novi tries to set a trap for 1999’s Lea by giving her indications to a place where an explosion will happen at 5pm. Unfortunately Lea survives and takes her revenge on young Novi, by burning her skin. Desperate, this time Novi truly helps 1999’s Lea revealing the right information. 2019 reality changes again: now is in that house and Lea lives there too, she kept killing people and never got caught. Reading the police notebook, Novi discovers that her young mom will visit that home with a police officer, but will leave after her mom used the cordless phone.
She realizes that she’s gonna receive the call in 2019. She picks up the phone and warns her mom to run away before she gets killed. 1999’s Lea kills the police officer and chase her mom on the upper floor, while at the same moment – 20 years later – old Lea chases old Novi. Novi gives indications to her mom in order to kill Lea. The plan succeeds: her mom jumps from the upper floor toghether with Lea in the fight , they both look dead.
somehow Novi wakes up in 2019 (the present time) on a hospital bed, her body aching and her mind foggy. The last thing she remembers is the sound of her mother's voice on the phone, begging for help. But now, as she looks around the sterile room, she realizes that everything has changed.
She tries to sit up, but a sharp pain in her chest holds her back. A nurse rushes in, telling her to rest and that her mother is on her way. Novi's heart races at the thought of seeing her mother again, but she can't shake the feeling that something is off.
As she waits, she starts to piece together what happened. The explosion, the fire, the chase - it all feels like a distant dream. But then she remembers the phone call, and the voice on the other end that started it all.
The thought of her sends shivers down Novi's spine. She had thought they were friends, but in the end, Lea had betrayed her. And now, as she looks around the hospital room, she can't help but wonder if Lea is still out there, waiting to strike again.
Suddenly, the door bursts open and Novi's mother rushes in, tears streaming down her face. She throws her arms around Novi, sobbing with relief. Novi tries to comfort her, but her mind is elsewhere.
"Mom," she says, her voice shaking. "Do you remember the phone call? The one you made to that old house?"
Her mother looks at her, confusion etched on her face. "What phone call, honey? I don't remember..."
Novi's heart sinks. If her mother doesn't remember, then maybe it was all just a hallucination. but the real question was how did she end up in the hospital if all that never happened was that all a dream? but then she notices something glinting on her mother's finger - a ring that she had never seen before.
"Where did you get that?" Novi asks, pointing to the ring.
Her mother looks down at it, a smile spreading across her face. "Oh, this? It was a gift from my friend, Lea. She's been so kind to me lately, helping me through everything."
Novi's blood runs cold. Lea is still out there, and she's still manipulating people. But how can Novi stop her when no one else even remembers the phone call? She knew Lea somehow survived in 1999 and still living her life as a serial killer the past and present was changed again..
on the other side we see Lea making a cool entry in a supermarket grabbing a box of cigarettes she is 51 year old but still appear like a teenager and dress like a model red highlighted hair black leather jacket and boots, shooting the cashier with a gun that was obvious that she had mastered killing people in those 23 years, and now waiting for Novi to take revange for betraying her
what will happen next will Lea be able to find Novi and kill her and why does Novi's mom dont remember anything what happened that night?
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